45 research outputs found

    Variant Calling and Microarray Expression Analysis in Pancreatic Islet Samples

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    Abstract This article describes the creation of a pipeline for variant calling from high-throughput next-generation exome and RNA sequencing data using commonly used bioinformatics tools. High-throughput sequencing data from six pancreatic islet cell samples were analyzed using the pipeline, and the resulting variant calls were validated against chip genotyping data from the same individuals. The results indicate that variant calling can be applied to RNA-seq and exome sequencing data to identify genetic variants in exons and coding regions with high precision, while the recall was relatively low. In other words, identified genotypes seem to have a high probability of being correct, but only part of the present variants are picked up. This is especially true for RNA-seq.PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig sammanfattning Genetisk variation och genuttryck i Langerhanska öar Projekt 1 - Genetisk variation DNA Ă€r den mĂ€nskliga cellens informationslagringsenhet och bestĂ„r av lĂ„nga sekvenser av de fyra nukleotiderna adenin(A), tymin(T), cytosin(C) och guanin(G). Proteiner kan binda till DNA och översĂ€tta delar av dessa sekvenser(gener) till RNA, en liknande typ av molekyl. RNA kan sedan anvĂ€ndas för att organisera tillverkningen av olika proteiner. Dessutom beskriver DNA-sekvensen nĂ€r och var olika proteiner tillverkas. Det genetiska materialet Ă€r uppdelat pĂ„ 23 lĂ„nga sekvenser, sĂ„ kallade kromosomer. Alla celler i kroppen utom könscellerna har tvĂ„ kopior av varje kromosom. Könscellerna har endast en slumpmĂ€ssigt valt kopia av varje kromosom, vilket gör att avkomman till tvĂ„ personer Ă€rver en kromosom per kromosompar frĂ„n varje förĂ€lder. Det Ă€r viktigt att pĂ„peka att de tvĂ„ kromosomerna i varje kromosompar Ă€r funktionellt ekvivalenta, men sekvenserna Ă€r oftast inte exakt desamma. Undantaget Ă€r XY- kromosomparet, dĂ€r X och Y-versionen har olika funktioner och bestĂ€mmer vilket kön barnet fĂ„r. PĂ„ det sĂ€ttet kan varje position pĂ„ de 22 sĂ„ kallade somatiska kromosomerna hos varje individ beskrivas med tvĂ„ olika nukleotider, exempelvis A/A, A/T eller A/G. Denna beskrivning kallas för en genotyp. Den hĂ€r typen av skillnad mellan individer kallas, ifall den Ă€r vanligt förekommande i befolkningen, för single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP). Eftersom sĂ„dana skillnader kan pĂ„verka hur proteiner i kroppen byggs upp, eller förĂ€ndra nĂ€r och var olika proteiner tillverkas, kan de ha starka effekter pĂ„ hur kroppen fungerar. DĂ€rför studeras SNP:ar mycket inom medicinsk forskning. MĂ„let med det hĂ€r projektet var att ta data frĂ„n de kodande sekvenserna i DNA och frĂ„n RNA-sekvenser, respektive, och söka igenom datan efter skillnader i olika SNPar. Vi var intresserade av att veta ifall SNPar kunde identifieras korrekt frĂ„n RNA, ett anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„de som Ă€r relativt ovanligt. SNParna som hittades frĂ„n de tvĂ„ datakĂ€llorna jĂ€mfördes med varandra och med en uppsĂ€ttning SNPar som var kĂ€nda frĂ„n en tillförlitlig datakĂ€lla. Resultaten visade att SNPar hittade i RNA och kodande DNA hade likartad tillförlitlighet för en uppsĂ€ttning av ca 30,000 SNPar som vi studerade. SNPar hittade i RNA-data var lika korrekta som SNPar hittade i data frĂ„n kodande DNA. FĂ€rre SNPar hittades dock i RNA-data Ă€n i data frĂ„n kodande DNA. För bĂ„de RNA-data och kodande DNA visade det sig att SNPar med olika genotyper var olika korrekta. Heterozygota SNPar, alltsĂ„ SNPar med tvĂ„ olika nukleotider hos en given individ, var mer korrekta Ă€n homozygota SNPar, SNPar med tvĂ„ upplagor av samma nukleotid. Projekt 2 – Genuttryck MĂ€nniskan har omkring 20,000 olika gener som kodar för olika proteiner. NĂ€r en gen översĂ€tts till RNA och anvĂ€nds för att bilda proteiner sĂ€ger man att genen uttrycks. Olika vĂ€vnader uttrycker olika uppsĂ€ttningar av gener. Dessutom förĂ€ndras styrkan av genuttryck beroende pĂ„ tid, Ă€mnesomsĂ€ttning och mĂ„nga andra biologiska faktorer. Att studera cellers genuttryck ger dĂ€rmed en inblick i hur celler, vĂ€vnader och organismer fungerar. Ett verktyg för att analysera genuttryck Ă€r den sĂ„ kallade mikroarrayen. Det Ă€r en skiva pĂ„ vilken ett stort antal korta DNA-sekvenser Ă€r fastsatta. En lösning med olika RNA-molekyler översĂ€tts till DNA-molekyler, och lĂ€ggs sedan pĂ„ plattan dĂ€r de binder till de fastsatta molekylerna. DNA-strĂ€ngarna i lösningen Ă€r kopplade till molekyler som bildar ljus, vilket gör att mĂ€ngden av varje molekyl pĂ„ mikroarrayen kan lĂ€sas av som en ljusintensitet pĂ„ arrayen. En liknande metod kallas för bead-array. I denna metod Ă€r DNA-sekvenserna fastsatta pĂ„ ett stort antal mikrometerstora kulor. Dessa kulor lĂ€ggs i brunnar pĂ„ en platta. Till skillnad frĂ„n mikroarrayer Ă€r DNA-sekvenserna slumpmĂ€ssigt placerade pĂ„ plattan. I Human Tissue Lab i Uppsala finns det stora arkiv med vĂ€vnadsprover som har blivit konserverade genom behandling med formalin. Problemet Ă€r att formalinet reagerar med RNAt i provet och gör att genuttryck inte kan analyseras rakt av lika bra. Företaget som tillverkar bead-arrays, Illumina, sĂ€ljer kemikalieuppsĂ€ttningar som tillsammans med bead-arrays ska minska detta problem. MĂ„let med det hĂ€r projektet var att jĂ€mföra genuttryck mĂ€tt med mikroarrayer och bead-arrayer, för att se ifall data frĂ„n de olika plattformarna Ă€r jĂ€mförbara. För det första jĂ€mfördes de rĂ„a intensiteterna pĂ„ olika plattformar. För det andra jĂ€mfördes skillnader mellan olika patientgrupper pĂ„ olika plattformar. För det tredje jĂ€mfördes upp-och nedreglerade grupper av gener i olika patientgrupper pĂ„ de olika plattformarna. Resultaten visar att rĂ„a intensiteter skiljer sig mycket mellan mikroarrayer och bead-arrayer. Olika mikroarrayer visade likartade nivĂ„er av upp-och nedreglerade gener för olika patientgrupper, men kopplingen var starkast för starkt upp-och nedreglerande gener. För gener med mindre skillnader i genuttryck mellan grupper dök gener upp som visade sig som uppreglerade pĂ„ en plattform, men nedreglerade pĂ„ en annan, och vice versa. En del gengrupper bedömda som pĂ„verkade i olika patientgrupper var gemensamma mellan de tvĂ„ plattformarna, och en del var unika för varje platform. NĂ€r dessa resultat jĂ€mfördes med en tillförligtlig tredje datakĂ€lla, RNA-sekvensiering, visade det sig att bĂ„da plattformarna var ungefĂ€r lika korrekta, men att varje plattform hittade unika korrekta gengrupper som var upp-eller nedreglerade

    Hantering av datamÀngder, programvaror och rÄdata vid SLU

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    En enkÀt skickades till forskare vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) med frÄgor rörande deras hantering av forskningsdata, exempelvis vilka datatyper och mjukvaror de anvÀnder och hur stora datavolymer de hanterar, deras kunskaper om juridiska aspekter pÄ datahantering och deras attityder till att göra data öppet tillgÀngliga. I rapporten diskuteras svaren pÄ enkÀtfrÄgorna och deras implikationer för framtida arbete med datakurering vid universitetet

    Distribution and characteristics of newly-defined subgroups of type 2 diabetes in randomised clinical trials : Post hoc cluster assignment analysis of over 12,000 study participants

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022Aims: Newly-defined subgroups of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been reported from real-world cohorts but not in detail from randomised clinical trials (RCTs). Methods: T2DM participants, uncontrolled on different pre-study therapies (n = 12.738; 82 % Caucasian; 44 % with diabetes duration > 10 years) from 14 RCTs, were assigned to new subgroups according to age at onset of diabetes, HbA1c, BMI, and fasting C-peptide using the nearest centroid approach. Subgroup distribution, characteristics and influencing factors were analysed. Results: In both, pooled and single RCTs, “mild-obesity related diabetes” predominated (45 %) with mean BMI of 35 kg/m2. “Severe insulin-resistant diabetes” was found least often (4.6 %) and prevalence of “mild age-related diabetes” (23.9 %) was mainly influenced by age at onset of diabetes and age cut-offs. Subgroup characteristics were widely comparable to those from real-world cohorts, but all subgroups showed higher frequencies of diabetes-related complications which were associated with longer diabetes duration. A high proportion of “severe insulin-deficient diabetes” (25.4 %) was identified with poor pre-study glycaemic control. Conclusions: Classification of RCT participants into newly-defined diabetes subgroups revealed the existence of a heterogeneous population of T2DM. For future RCTs, subgroup-based randomisation of T2DM will better define the target population and relevance of the outcomes by avoiding clinical heterogeneity.Peer reviewe

    Regenerating islet-derived protein 3α : A promising therapy for diabetes. Preliminary data in rodents and in humans

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that administration of Regenerating islet-derived protein 3α (Reg3α), a protein described as having protective effects against oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory activity, could participate in the control of glucose homeostasis and potentially be a new target of interest in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. To that end the recombinant human Reg3α protein was administered for one month in insulin-resistant mice fed high fat diet. We performed glucose and insulin tolerance tests, assayed circulating chemokines in plasma and measured glucose uptake in insulin sensitive tissues. We evidenced an increase in insulin sensitivity during an oral glucose tolerance test in ALF-5755 treated mice vs controls and decreased the pro-inflammatory cytokine C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 5 (CXCL5). We also demonstrated an increase in glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Finally, correlation studies using human and mouse muscle biopsies showed negative correlation between intramuscular Reg3α mRNA expression (or its murine isoform Reg3γ) and insulin resistance. Thus, we have established the proof of concept that Reg3α could be a novel molecule of interest in the treatment of T2D by increasing insulin sensitivity via a skeletal muscle effect.Peer reviewe

    Preserving Insulin Secretion in Diabetes by Inhibiting VDAC1 Overexpression and Surface Translocation in beta Cells

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) develops after years of prediabetes during which high glucose (glucotoxicity) impairs insulin secretion. We report that the ATP-conducting mitochondrial outer membrane voltage-dependent anion channel-1 (VDAC1) is upregulated in islets from T2D and non-diabetic organ donors under glucotoxic conditions. This is caused by a glucotoxicity-induced transcriptional program, triggered during years of prediabetes with suboptimal blood glucose control. Metformin counteracts VDAC1 induction. VDAC1 overexpression causes its mistargeting to the plasma membrane of the insulinsecreting beta cells with loss of the crucial metabolic coupling factor ATP. VDAC1 antibodies and inhibitors prevent ATP loss. Through direct inhibition of VDAC1 conductance, metformin, like specific VDAC1 inhibitors and antibodies, restores the impaired generation of ATP and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in T2D islets. Treatment of db/db mice with VDAC1 inhibitor prevents hyperglycemia, and maintains normal glucose tolerance and physiological regulation of insulin secretion. Thus, beta cell function is preserved by targeting the novel diabetes executer protein VDAC1.Peer reviewe

    Mapping the Cord Blood Transcriptome of Pregnancies Affected by Early Maternal Anemia to Identify Signatures of Fetal Programming

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    Context Anemia during early pregnancy (EP) is common in developing countries and is associated with adverse health consequences for both mothers and children. Offspring of women with EP anemia often have low birth weight, which increases risk for cardiometabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes (T2D), later in life. Objective We aimed to elucidate mechanisms underlying developmental programming of adult cardiometabolic disease, including epigenetic and transcriptional alterations potentially detectable in umbilical cord blood (UCB) at time of birth. Methods We leveraged global transcriptome- and accompanying epigenome-wide changes in 48 UCB from newborns of EP anemic Tanzanian mothers and 50 controls to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in UCB exposed to maternal EP anemia. DEGs were assessed for association with neonatal anthropometry and cord insulin levels. These genes were further studied in expression data from human fetal pancreas and adult islets to understand their role in beta-cell development and/or function. Results The expression of 137 genes was altered in UCB of newborns exposed to maternal EP anemia. These putative signatures of fetal programming, which included the birth weight locus LCORL, were potentially mediated by epigenetic changes in 27 genes and associated with neonatal anthropometry. Among the DEGs were P2RX7, PIK3C2B, and NUMBL, which potentially influence beta-cell development. Insulin levels were lower in EP anemia-exposed UCB, supporting the notion of developmental programming of pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction and subsequently increased risk of T2D in offspring of mothers with EP anemia. Conclusions Our data provide proof-of-concept on distinct transcriptional and epigenetic changes detectable in UCB from newborns exposed to maternal EP anemia.Peer reviewe

    Islet Gene View-a tool to facilitate islet research

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    Characterization of gene expression in pancreatic islets and its alteration in type 2 diabetes (T2D) are vital in understanding islet function and T2D pathogenesis. We leveraged RNA sequencing and genome-wide genotyping in islets from 188 donors to create the Islet Gene View (IGW) platform to make this information easily accessible to the scientific community. Expression data were related to islet phenotypes, diabetes status, other islet-expressed genes, islet hormone-encoding genes and for expression in insulin target tissues. The IGW web application produces output graphs for a particular gene of interest. In IGW, 284 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in T2D donor islets compared with controls. Forty percent of DEGs showed cell-type enrichment and a large proportion significantly co-expressed with islet hormone-encoding genes; glucagon (GCG, 56%), amylin (IAPP, 52%), insulin (INS, 44%), and somatostatin (SST, 24%). Inhibition of two DEGs, UNC5D and SERPINE2, impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and impacted cell survival in a human beta-cell model. The exploratory use of IGW could help designing more comprehensive functional follow-up studies and serve to identify therapeutic targets in T2D.Peer reviewe

    Exercise is associated with younger methylome and transcriptome profiles in human skeletal muscle

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    Exercise training prevents age-related decline in muscle function. Targeting epigenetic aging is a promising actionable mechanism and late-life exercise mitigates epigenetic aging in rodent muscle. Whether exercise training can decelerate, or reverse epigenetic aging in humans is unknown. Here, we performed a powerful meta-analysis of the methylome and transcriptome of an unprecedented number of human skeletal muscle samples (n = 3176). We show that: (1) individuals with higher baseline aerobic fitness have younger epigenetic and transcriptomic profiles, (2) exercise training leads to significant shifts of epigenetic and transcriptomic patterns toward a younger profile, and (3) muscle disuse "ages" the transcriptome. Higher fitness levels were associated with attenuated differential methylation and transcription during aging. Furthermore, both epigenetic and transcriptomic profiles shifted toward a younger state after exercise training interventions, while the transcriptome shifted toward an older state after forced muscle disuse. We demonstrate that exercise training targets many of the age-related transcripts and DNA methylation loci to maintain younger methylome and transcriptome profiles, specifically in genes related to muscle structure, metabolism, and mitochondrial function. Our comprehensive analysis will inform future studies aiming to identify the best combination of therapeutics and exercise regimes to optimize longevity

    Life-long impairment of glucose homeostasis upon prenatal exposure to psychostimulants

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    Maternal drug abuse during pregnancy is a rapidly escalating societal problem. Psychostimulants, including amphetamine, cocaine, and methamphetamine, are amongst the illicit drugs most commonly consumed by pregnant women. Neuropharmacology concepts posit that psychostimulants affect monoamine signaling in the nervous system by their affinities to neurotransmitter reuptake and vesicular transporters to heighten neurotransmitter availability extracellularly. Exacerbated dopamine signaling is particularly considered as a key determinant of psychostimulant action. Much less is known about possible adverse effects of these drugs on peripheral organs, and if in utero exposure induces lifelong pathologies. Here, we addressed this question by combining human RNA-seq data with cellular and mouse models of neuroendocrine development. We show that episodic maternal exposure to psychostimulants during pregnancy coincident with the intrauterine specification of pancreatic beta cells permanently impairs their ability of insulin production, leading to glucose intolerance in adult female but not male offspring. We link psychostimulant action specifically to serotonin signaling and implicate the sex-specific epigenetic reprogramming of serotonin-related gene regulatory networks upstream from the transcription factor Pet1/Fev as determinants of reduced insulin production.Peer reviewe